1dial Locator Script

Syntax : <script src='http://locator.1dial.com/locator.asp?[arguments]'></script>
  • Use :
    This customizable locator searches our number database for access numbers located
    • within a state
    • within an area code
    • within loacl rate centers for specific numbers

    Create your own web page that contains the script tag where you would like the returned data to display (within a table,frame, or in the middle of your page). The web page's attributes (background colors, images, link colors) will still be active and the only source seen will be the script tag.
  • Definitions
    • Required Arguments
      • search
        • state - State Wide Search
          • Requirements :
            • state - state to search
              two letter state code
          • Example :
            • search=state&state=NM
        • code - Area Code Search
          • Requirements :
            • npa - area code to search
              three digit area code
          • Example :
            • search=code&npa=808
        • phone - Local Proximity Search
          • Requirements :
            • npa - area code to search
              three digit area code
            • nxx - phone exchange within area code
              three digit exchange code
          • Example :
            • search=phone&npa=808&nxx=930

    • Optional arguments - Please do not include (#) for color arguments
      • totalwidth - default = 600
        • Must be set to a valid size between 500 & 800
      • enhanced - default = false
        • set as true to display off-net numbers also.
          Remember these numbers only work if you subscribe to our enhanced service.
      • fface - default = Verdana
        • Font face for returned data
      • font1 - default = E68E02
        • Primary font color
      • font2 - default = 666633
        • Secondary font color
      • thc - default = FFAD33
        • Data table header olor
      • thf - default = FFFFFF
        • Data table header font color
      • tc - default = 999966
        • Data table row color
      • tf - default = 000000
        • Data table row font color
      • Tiers - default = false
        • set as true to decide which tiers to include in result set by using the additional following arguments
          • Tier0 - default = false
            • set as true to include Tier 0 numbers in the results(this argument is only used when "Tiers" is supplied as true
          • Tier1 - default = false
            • set as true to include Tier 1 numbers in the results(this argument is only used when "Tiers" is supplied as true
          • Tier2 - default = false
            • set as true to include Tier 2 numbers in the results(this argument is only used when "Tiers" is supplied as true
          • Tier3 - default = false
            • set as true to include Tier 3 numbers in the results(this argument is only used when "Tiers" is supplied as true
          • Tier4 - default = false
            • set as true to include Tier 4 numbers in the results(this argument is only used when "Tiers" is supplied as true
Example :
This form will display the output created and the script tag to return the same data.
Search type :

State :
totalwidth :
enhanced :
Use Tier Arguments :
Tier0 :
Tier1 :
Tier2 :
Tier3 :
Tier4 :
fface :
thc : - thf :
tc : - tf :
font1 : - font2 :